inform, support, empower

Group Education

small group lactation classes

Establish lactation support before your baby arrives

Prenatal lactation planning is an important step for expectant parents. It can lay the framework to help you prepare for bringing your newborn home. This class teaches you and your support person what you need to know about lactation so the experience is smoother for the entire family. Attending a class taught by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) can help you better understand how to establish a healthy supply, how to help the baby latch, different nursing positions, and newborn behavior. Should the need arise, you will be familiar with trusted professionals from which to seek help. Families are more likely to meet their breastfeeding goals when they have a solid foundation to rely on.

Private prenatal classes are also available


Cuddle & Flow: Prenatal Lactation Prep

Nervous about making milk for your baby? This small group class is intended for expectant parents, whether it is for your first baby or your fourth baby. You'll be introduced to key concepts crucial to helping you establish a long-term healthy milk supply. Since household members are a milk making parent’s first line of support, a partner or support person is encouraged to attend. Small group classes are offered at Brave Care Pediatric Urgent Care in South Austin.

This is a fun, interactive class with plenty of time for questions. Class size is limited to 5 couples - this is a great way to meet other expectant parents as well!

Class topics covered include what to expect in the first few days following birth, understanding baby’s hunger cues, common concerns, basic latch and positioning, and more! The class is geared towards a family preparing to breastfeed, whether it is for the first baby or the fourth baby. Since household members are typically a milk making parent’s first line of support, a partner or other family member is encouraged to attend. This is a fun, interactive class with plenty of time for questions.

Topics covered can include:

  • Body changes in pregnancy

  • What to expect after birth

  • Basics of milk production

  • Latching and positioning

  • Feeding frequency and duration in the first few days and weeks of life

  • Typical newborn behavior

  • Partner support

  • Red flags and signs you need support

Length of session:120 minutes-ish
While I do my best to keep us on topic, parents often have a number of questions about infant feeding which can cause the class to run over time.

Cost: $90